Who Was the First YouTuber Ever?

Who Was the First YouTuber Ever?

The vast platform of YouTube has become an integral part of our lives. From entertainment to education, cooking, travel, and more, there's a YouTube video for every interest and need. But who was the first YouTuber ever? Let's dive into the history and find out.

In a time before YouTube, people shared videos through websites or email. However, this process was cumbersome and required technical expertise. YouTube, founded in 2005 by three former PayPal employees, Chad Hurley, Steve Chen, and Jawed Karim, aimed to make video sharing easier and more accessible to the general public.

Now that we have a better understanding of the context, let's delve into the question of who was the first YouTuber ever and explore the impact of their video on the platform.

who was the first youtuber

In the realm of online video sharing, a name stands out as the pioneer: Jawed Karim.

  • Jawed Karim
  • "Me at the zoo"
  • April 23, 2005
  • 18 seconds
  • PayPal co-founder
  • Stanford University

Jawed Karim's historic video, uploaded on April 23, 2005, marked the dawn of a new era in online entertainment and information sharing.

Jawed Karim

Jawed Karim, a German-born American software engineer and internet entrepreneur, holds the distinction of being the first YouTuber ever. His groundbreaking video, aptly titled "Me at the zoo," uploaded on April 23, 2005, marked the genesis of the video-sharing platform that has since revolutionized the way we consume and share information and entertainment.

Karim's video, a mere 18 seconds long, captured a simple yet profound moment at the San Diego Zoo. In the video, Karim, standing in front of two elephants, utters the now-iconic words, "Alright, so here we are in front of the elephants. The cool thing about these guys is that they have really, really, really long trunks. And that's, that's cool." The video, despite its brevity, exuded an undeniable charm and authenticity that resonated with viewers.

Karim's decision to upload the video stemmed from his desire to share his experiences with his friends and family, who lived far away. Little did he know that this seemingly innocuous act would give birth to a global phenomenon. Within a few months, YouTube gained immense popularity, attracting millions of users who flocked to the platform to share their own videos and connect with others.

Karim's pioneering spirit and technical expertise played a pivotal role in the success of YouTube. As one of the co-founders of PayPal, Karim possessed a deep understanding of online payments and user experience. He applied this knowledge to YouTube, creating a user-friendly platform that made video sharing accessible to the masses.

Jawed Karim's legacy as the first YouTuber continues to inspire generations of content creators and online entrepreneurs. His simple act of uploading a video to share with his loved ones inadvertently changed the course of the internet and transformed the way we communicate and share information.

"Me at the zoo"

Jawed Karim's video, "Me at the zoo," holds a special place in the annals of internet history as the first video ever uploaded to YouTube. This 18-second video, shot at the San Diego Zoo on April 23, 2005, marked the humble beginnings of a platform that would revolutionize the way people share and consume information and entertainment.

In the video, Karim, standing in front of two elephants, delivers a simple commentary on the animals' long trunks. While the content of the video may seem unremarkable by today's standards, its significance lies in its pioneering nature. It was the first step in a journey that would transform the way we communicate and connect with the world.

The video's simplicity and authenticity resonated with viewers, who appreciated its unvarnished charm. Karim's conversational tone and genuine interest in the elephants created a sense of intimacy and connection between him and the audience. This personal touch would become a defining characteristic of YouTube, a platform where creators share their unique perspectives and experiences with the world.

The success of "Me at the zoo" can also be attributed to its timing. The early 2000s witnessed a surge in broadband internet access, making it possible for people to share and view videos online with relative ease. Karim's video arrived at the perfect moment, capturing the zeitgeist of a world ready to embrace a new era of digital media.

"Me at the zoo" may have been a simple video, but its impact was profound. It paved the way for a new era of online entertainment and information sharing, forever changing the way we consume and interact with media.

April 23, 2005

April 23, 2005, is a date etched in the annals of internet history as the day Jawed Karim uploaded "Me at the zoo," the first video on YouTube. This seemingly innocuous event marked the genesis of a platform that would change the way people share and consume information and entertainment forever.

  • Birth of YouTube:

    April 23, 2005, marked the official launch of YouTube, a video-sharing platform founded by Chad Hurley, Steve Chen, and Jawed Karim. The site was initially conceived as a way for people to share videos with their friends and family, but it quickly grew into a global phenomenon.

  • "Me at the zoo":

    On the same day, Jawed Karim uploaded the first video to YouTube, titled "Me at the zoo." This 18-second video, featuring Karim standing in front of two elephants at the San Diego Zoo, became an instant sensation and is widely regarded as the first YouTube video ever.

  • A new era of online entertainment:

    The launch of YouTube and the upload of the first video marked the beginning of a new era of online entertainment. YouTube provided a platform for people to share their creative expressions, experiences, and knowledge with the world, democratizing content creation and distribution.

  • A global phenomenon:

    Within a few months of its launch, YouTube gained immense popularity, attracting millions of users from around the world. The platform's user-friendly interface, coupled with the ease of sharing videos, made it a go-to destination for online entertainment and information.

April 23, 2005, stands as a pivotal moment in the history of the internet, marking the birth of YouTube and the first steps towards a new era of digital media consumption and sharing.

18 seconds

Jawed Karim's "Me at the zoo," the first video uploaded to YouTube, is a mere 18 seconds long. While its brevity may seem insignificant, it holds immense significance in the context of the video-sharing platform's history.

In the early days of the internet, video files were large and took a long time to upload and download. Streaming video was still in its infancy, and the idea of sharing videos online seemed daunting. Karim's decision to create a short, simple video was a stroke of genius. It ensured that his video could be uploaded and viewed quickly and easily, even on the relatively slow internet connections of the time.

Moreover, the 18-second runtime of "Me at the zoo" perfectly captured the essence of what YouTube was meant to be: a platform for sharing short, personal videos. Karim's video was not a polished production; it was a casual, conversational glimpse into his life. This authenticity resonated with viewers and set the tone for the type of content that would thrive on YouTube.

The brevity of "Me at the zoo" also contributed to its virality. Its short runtime made it easy to share and embed on other websites and social media platforms. This helped the video spread rapidly, reaching a global audience in a matter of days.

While 18 seconds may seem like a fleeting moment, it was more than enough time for Jawed Karim to make history. His short video not only became the first YouTube video but also set the stage for a new era of online entertainment and information sharing.


As of today, Jawed Karim's "Me at the zoo," the first video uploaded to YouTube, has garnered over 235 million views. However, when it was first uploaded on April 23, 2005, it received a much more modest number of views: 19.

  • A humble beginning:

    The fact that the first YouTube video received only 19 views in its early days highlights the humble beginnings of the platform. YouTube was a new and unknown entity, and it took some time for people to discover and embrace it.

  • Word-of-mouth and viral growth:

    Despite the initial low view count, "Me at the zoo" slowly gained traction through word-of-mouth and viral growth. As people shared the video with their friends and families, and as it was embedded on other websites and social media platforms, its popularity grew.

  • The power of simplicity:

    The simplicity and authenticity of "Me at the zoo" likely contributed to its virality. The video's short runtime, casual tone, and relatable content made it easy for viewers to connect with and share.

  • A testament to YouTube's success:

    The fact that the first YouTube video has now been viewed over 235 million times is a testament to the platform's incredible growth and success. YouTube has become a global phenomenon, with billions of users watching billions of hours of video every day.

While the initial 19 views of "Me at the zoo" may seem insignificant, they represent the first steps in YouTube's extraordinary journey. From those humble beginnings, YouTube has transformed the way we consume and share information and entertainment, becoming one of the most influential platforms in the world.

PayPal co-founder

Jawed Karim's background as a PayPal co-founder played a significant role in the success of YouTube.

PayPal, an online payment platform, was founded in 1998 by Peter Thiel, Max Levchin, and Luke Nosek. Karim joined PayPal in 2000 and quickly rose through the ranks, becoming a key figure in the company's growth and success.

Karim's experience at PayPal gave him valuable insights into the challenges and opportunities of online payments and user experience. He applied this knowledge to YouTube, creating a platform that was easy to use and accessible to a wide range of users.

Moreover, Karim's connections in the tech industry, gained through his work at PayPal, proved invaluable in the early days of YouTube. He was able to secure funding and support from investors and partners, helping YouTube to grow and expand its reach.

Jawed Karim's experience as a PayPal co-founder was a major contributing factor to the success of YouTube. His technical expertise, understanding of online payments, and connections in the tech industry were instrumental in shaping the platform into what it is today.

Stanford University

Jawed Karim's alma mater, Stanford University, played a significant role in his journey to becoming the first YouTuber.

  • Academic environment:

    Stanford University is renowned for its strong academic programs and research opportunities. Karim's studies in computer science provided him with the technical foundation and problem-solving skills that would later prove invaluable in the development of YouTube.

  • Entrepreneurial culture:

    Stanford University has a vibrant entrepreneurial culture, with many students and faculty members pursuing their own business ventures. This environment encouraged Karim to think creatively and to take risks, which ultimately led to the creation of YouTube.

  • Networking opportunities:

    Stanford University offers ample opportunities for students to network with each other, as well as with successful entrepreneurs and investors. Karim's connections at Stanford likely played a role in securing funding and support for YouTube in its early stages.

  • Intellectual climate:

    Stanford University's intellectual climate fosters innovation and collaboration. Karim's interactions with professors and fellow students exposed him to new ideas and perspectives, which may have influenced his thinking as he developed YouTube.

Jawed Karim's time at Stanford University provided him with the knowledge, skills, and connections that were essential to the creation and success of YouTube. The university's academic rigor, entrepreneurial culture, and intellectual climate all contributed to Karim's journey to becoming the first YouTuber.


Have more questions about the first YouTuber? Here are some frequently asked questions and their answers:

Question 1: Who is the first YouTuber?
Answer 1: Jawed Karim is the first YouTuber. He uploaded the first video to the platform on April 23, 2005, titled "Me at the zoo."

Question 2: What was the first video uploaded to YouTube?
Answer 2: The first video uploaded to YouTube was "Me at the zoo," a 18-second video featuring Jawed Karim standing in front of two elephants at the San Diego Zoo.

Question 3: When was YouTube founded?
Answer 3: YouTube was founded on February 14, 2005, by Chad Hurley, Steve Chen, and Jawed Karim.

Question 4: How many views did the first YouTube video get?
Answer 4: The first YouTube video, "Me at the zoo," received 19 views in its early days. Today, it has over 235 million views.

Question 5: What is Jawed Karim's background?
Answer 5: Jawed Karim is a German-born American software engineer and internet entrepreneur. He co-founded PayPal and later became the first YouTuber.

Question 6: What role did Stanford University play in Jawed Karim's journey?
Answer 6: Stanford University provided Jawed Karim with the knowledge, skills, and connections that were essential to the creation and success of YouTube. Its academic rigor, entrepreneurial culture, and intellectual climate all contributed to his journey.

Question 7: Why is Jawed Karim's achievement significant?
Answer 7: Jawed Karim's achievement is significant because he was the first person to upload a video to YouTube, a platform that has since revolutionized the way people share and consume information and entertainment.

We hope these answers have satisfied your curiosity about the first YouTuber. If you have any further questions, feel free to search online or ask a knowledgeable friend.

Now that you know more about the first YouTuber, let's explore some tips for creating your own successful YouTube channel.


Inspired by Jawed Karim's journey? Here are four practical tips to help you create your own successful YouTube channel:

Tip 1: Choose a niche and create high-quality content:
Find a niche that you are passionate about and create content that is valuable and engaging to your target audience. Make sure your videos are well-produced and edited, with clear audio and visuals.

Tip 2: Be consistent and patient:
Consistency is key when it comes to growing a YouTube channel. Upload new videos regularly and stick to a consistent schedule. It takes time and effort to build a following, so be patient and persistent.

Tip 3: Engage with your audience:
Respond to comments, ask for feedback, and run contests or giveaways. Interacting with your audience will help you build a community and keep viewers coming back for more.

Tip 4: Promote your channel:
Share your videos on social media, forums, and other online platforms. Collaborate with other YouTubers in your niche to cross-promote each other's channels.

Closing Paragraph for Tips
Remember, success on YouTube takes time and dedication. Stay focused, keep creating great content, and don't give up on your dreams.

As you embark on your YouTube journey, keep Jawed Karim's pioneering spirit in mind. His simple act of uploading a video changed the course of history. Who knows what impact your videos may have on the world?


Jawed Karim's journey as the first YouTuber is a tale of innovation, perseverance, and the power of a simple idea. His decision to upload a video of himself at the zoo may seem unremarkable today, but it marked the beginning of a new era in online entertainment and information sharing.

Through his work at YouTube, Karim played a pivotal role in democratizing content creation and distribution. He created a platform that made it possible for anyone with a camera and an internet connection to share their stories, experiences, and knowledge with the world.

Jawed Karim's legacy extends far beyond the first YouTube video. He is a pioneer who helped to shape the way we communicate, learn, and entertain ourselves online. His vision and determination have inspired generations of content creators and entrepreneurs.

As we reflect on Karim's achievement, let us also remember the countless other individuals who have contributed to the success of YouTube and the wider online video landscape. From the creators who produce engaging and informative content to the viewers who watch and share videos, we are all part of a vibrant and ever-evolving digital community.

As we look to the future, let us continue to embrace the power of online video to connect with each other, learn new things, and make a positive impact on the world.

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